
The support my son receives on a daily basis at Omnia Foundation has made such a huge difference not only to his learning but also to his confidence and his self esteem.”

“Moving my son from a mainstream school and placing him with Omnia Foundation has been hands down the best decision I have ever made for him.”

“There’s always someone at the end of the phone, whenever it may be with care and expertise if he’s struggling.”

“He has a life with goals, friends. He has somewhere he can go everyday where he fits in”

“Omina has been very supportive and willing to adjust and accommodate my sons needs in many of ways to support him back into school after 4 failed attempts from previous schools due to lack of understanding his complexed needs, They are extremely supportive in making a difference to what my son finds challenging.”

“Omina listens to us as a family to understand and get things right for my son, They are always in constant communication about any changes that need to occur and are willing to do anything to help make this placement a success.”

“They have been brilliant with everything they have done, if something does not work, they will try a different approach they do not give up unlike others at the first challenging moment. My only regret is not sending him earlier when he was struggling as they are now having to undo all the wrongs from previous placements and his biggest fear is rejection and they are having to install faith and trust that he has faced all this life and they have done an amazing job. He also is able to talk to the staff members and open up which he has never done before as he has always been let down.”