We are often asked, “Why Foundation?”
The answer is simple:
We empower young people who have been overlooked by a system that prioritiSes academic achievements over creative and physical talents. These individuals have often missed the opportunity to discover their strengths and potential because their abilities lie outside traditional academic paths. We provide the foundation for their self-development, helping them uncover who they are and what they excel at.
Our Aim
When we watch free runners or free climbers or base jumpers perform incredible feats of physical agility with fearlessness and determination, we are awestruck. When we see teenagers doing similar things, we label them as “trouble,” “yobs,” and yet they are nothing less than wildly confident and breathtakingly courageous. At what point, then, do we change our perception of their achievements and see that these young people have a wealth of unrecognised and untapped potential and start to channel that energy, passion and enthusiasm into a constructive and productive future?
Our aim is to begin to change that perception. The Omnia Foundation provides an environment in which our young learners can become themselves. We help them build that foundation for their future. Our unique approach to supporting self-development enables the young people to be heard, to exercise choice and in so doing to gain the confidence and self-assurance they need to become good people, able to make a valuable contribution to the community.

Our Offer is Threefold
We believe that when basic emotional needs are met, a person has a much better chance of being able to succeed. Rooted in the principles of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need, we have a “therapy first” approach to supporting the students. This is led by our Head of Therapeutic Provision who, with a team of qualified and well-trained wellbeing practitioners, plan and deliver a range of interventions and programmes that prioritise and address emotional and mental health needs before everything else.
We believe that strenuous physical activity promotes good mental health through the release of endorphins and other “happy hormones.” It energises and sharpens brain activity. Our Head of Physical Provision designs a rigorous programme of physical health and wellbeing which is delivered by our team of teachers and higher-level teaching assistants. At least 90 minutes daily of physical activity is planned for and all staff participate as it provides an opportunity to build positive relationships and role models for language.
We believe that a learner’s journey truly begins when they find their passion. This may or may not happen by the time they are 16 and we recognise that our learners may need more time to discover what drives and motivates them. Under the direction of the Head of Curriculum and Qualifications, staff plan and deliver a broad and creative range of experiences designed to challenge and inspire our learners to find their “thing.” Our trailblazing curriculum, centred on a truly innovative and bespoke suite of vocational qualifications, which is designed to complement qualifications in English and Mathematics and other more traditional subjects,. This is delivered through a model of a teacher-directed, student-led timetable, designed to promote a greater level of flexibility, which will in turn facilitate greater student ownership of their learning, reduce anxiety, minimise lost learning, increase productivity and ultimately foster greater success.
Get in touch
Tel: 01268 385 997
Email: admin@omniafoundation.co.uk
Address: Omnia Foundation, Rayleigh Town Sports Club, London Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 9DT
For Local Authority Referrals: enquiries@omniafoundation.co.uk